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Health is closely related to social standing. Children born into poor families are three times more likely to die from disease, neglect, accidents, or violence during their first ear of life than children born into privileged families.

found this information in my sociology book hope it helps

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4mo ago

Social class can impact human health in various ways, such as access to healthcare, education, and resources. Lower social classes may have fewer opportunities for preventative care and face greater exposure to health risks, leading to disparities in health outcomes. Social class can also influence factors like stress, lifestyle choices, and environmental conditions, all of which can impact an individual's health.

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When was social class first introduced?

Social class has been a part of human societies for centuries, with evidence of class distinction found in ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia and Egypt. The concept of social class as we understand it today began to take shape during the Middle Ages in Europe, when feudal societies were organized into a hierarchy based on land ownership and hereditary titles.

What do cases of social isolation teach us about the importance of social experience to human beings?

Cases of social isolation highlight the significant impact that social experience has on human beings. They show that connection with others is essential for emotional well-being, mental health, and overall quality of life. Social interaction provides support, validation, and a sense of belonging that are crucial for human development and fulfillment.

What is the concept of social health?

Social health refers to an individual's ability to form meaningful relationships, interact with others, and participate in social activities. It involves maintaining positive connections with family, friends, and the community, as well as feeling a sense of belonging and support in social settings. Good social health is essential for overall well-being and can have a significant impact on mental and physical health.

How did social class change human Society?

Social class created divisions among people based on wealth and power, leading to inequality and a stratified society. It determined access to resources, opportunities, and influence, shaping individuals' experiences and life chances. Social class influenced social mobility, cultural norms, and power dynamics within communities and institutions.

Why is a social class important?

Social class is important because it can impact individuals' access to resources, opportunities, and privilege within society. It can influence their lifestyle, education, employment opportunities, and overall quality of life. Understanding social class helps us analyze and address issues related to inequality, social mobility, and social justice.

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No there is not really any such thing as social health. Social factors impact on a person's physical and mental/emotional health and wellbeing. Socialization opportunities and characteristics affect physiological and mental/brain states. Social determinants of health play a key role in societal and economic settings on one's health status in present and future. Social health is really about communities and the extent to which human communities and their physical attributes affect behaviours, norms, values and health at the individual, family and population levels. There is no such thing as social health as a dimension of one's health status, only whether social factors inhibit/deter or promote physical and mental health, and their continuity into the future.

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human and social biology is the study of man and his surroundings and how they affect each other

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What organization is in charge of the health area of country's social policy?

The Department of Health and Human Services

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alcohol is a beverage and a weed. it harms human being kidneys.

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