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Migration can bring cultural diversity, new skills, and economic value to a society. However, it can also lead to social tensions, competition for resources, and challenges in integration. Overall, the impact of migration on a society depends on various factors such as the number of migrants, their backgrounds, and the existing social and economic conditions.

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Q: How does migration affect your society?
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What did Wilbur zelinsky's model of migration predict?

Wilbur Zelinsky's model of migration, known as the "mobility transition theory," predicted that as societies industrialize and develop economically, migration patterns shift from primarily rural to urban areas. This leads to a decrease in long-distance migration and an increase in short-distance moves within urban areas.

How does migration affect community?

Migration can have a variety of effects on a community. It can bring in new perspectives and ideas, increase diversity, and boost the economy through a larger workforce. However, it can also create challenges related to social cohesion, strain on resources, and potential cultural tensions.

How will eBuddy affect society?

It wont because you can only add friends or social networks that you know and love and if it does affect u, u can just report it

How did the changes of labor after the civil war affect society?

The changes in labor after the Civil War, including emancipation of slaves and growth of industrialization, led to shifts in the workforce and contributed to the rise of the labor movement. This period saw increased urbanization, migration, and the development of a more diverse workforce, impacting social dynamics and contributing to the push for workers' rights and labor reforms.

How diamonds affect demographics?

Diamonds do not directly affect demographics. However, the mining and selling of diamonds can impact the economic conditions in regions where they are sourced, which may in turn influence demographics through factors like employment rates, migration patterns, and wealth distribution.

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