Emo stands for emotional, emotion can be happy, sad, angry... and being emo is about self expresstion. So someone dressing in bright colors is actually being an emo (this is just my imterpretation) and if people say you have to wear make-up and wear black are not real emo's. There is no one way to be emo, but if you are looking this up to be a poser, and because this "fad" is popular at the time.....don't.(or i will find you)
Emo style is often characterized by dark and moody clothing, accessories like studded belts and wristbands, dark eyeliner, and a signature hairstyle such as side-swept bangs or spiky layers. Emo music and emotional expression also play a big role in achieving an emo aesthetic. It's all about embracing the darker side of emotions and music while also incorporating a unique personal style.
Excessive social media use is not necessary to achieve good social health. In fact, maintaining a healthy balance of online and offline interactions is more important for overall well-being.
Usually, they feel like they are being treated unfairly.
Max Weber defined power as the ability of an individual or group to achieve their goals despite resistance from others. He identified three types of authority: traditional, charismatic, and legal-rational.
The perspective that the role of the social worker is to help clients achieve self-identified goals best describes a client-centered approach. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding the client's individual needs, values, and preferences in guiding the intervention process. It empowers clients to direct their own growth and change, with the social worker serving as a facilitator and ally in the process.
The Philippine Population Management Program is a government initiative aimed at promoting responsible parenthood by providing access to family planning services, maternal healthcare, and reproductive health education. It also focuses on promoting sustainable population growth to achieve economic and social development goals in the country.
no. he cant die because his emoness wont let him die
ASK A PHYSIOLOGIST OR SOME THING I GUESS. I REALLY DON'T KNOW BECAUSE I'M EMO.( different person thx..) I think you should just be yourself and let peers get used to yo emoness!she is right. juts be yourself. an cear less what people think about you.^_^
If your blood is running low on Vitamin D but is really high on another vitamin this could be the cause of depression. Try keeping your vitamins well balanced and make sure to keep up on Vitamin B as it will make you happier.
No one can achieve without hard work.The runner wanted to achieve a top ranking for his school.
Will achieve.
How to achieve equality
they are trying to achieve
achieve is a verb. Its forms are achieve achieves achieved achieving
The suffix for achieve is "-ment", so when added to achieve, it becomes "achievement".
The correct way to spell the word is achieve.Some example sentences are:What are you trying to achieve exactly?We will achieve victory against our enemies.She always strived to achieve the best she could.
a firm can achieve equilibrium when its?