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Tom and Daisy exhibit racist beliefs and attitudes in "The Great Gatsby," demonstrating a sense of superiority over people of different races. Fitzgerald includes this to highlight the inherent racism and discrimination prevalent in the society of the 1920s, reflecting the pervasive racism of the time that was often disregarded or overlooked. This illustrates the prevalent social norms and prejudices of the era, showcasing the racial dynamics and inequalities that characterized the time period.

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Q: How do Tom and Daisy feel about race Why does Fitzgerald include this information What does this say about the context of society?
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What was Marrianne Weber's view on Individuals in society?

Marrianne Weber, a German sociologist, believed individuals in society are shaped by social structures and historical context. She argued that social forces influence individuals' behavior and identity, emphasizing the importance of understanding the interconnectedness between individuals and society. Weber's work emphasized the role of culture, norms, and institutions in shaping individual lives within a larger social context.

What is the primary goal of sociology to better understand society?

The primary goal of sociology is to study, understand, and explain human behavior within the context of society. It aims to analyze social dynamics, institutions, and relationships to provide insight into how society functions and evolves.

What are culture norms?

Cultural norms are shared expectations and rules that guide behavior within a particular group or society. These norms can include manners, beliefs, values, and other practices that are considered typical or appropriate within a specific cultural context. They help shape social interactions and expectations within a community.

What is a description comprised of the essential characteristics of a feature of society?

A description of society's feature would cover its key aspects, such as its purpose, function, impact, and significance within the broader social context. It aims to provide a clear and succinct overview of the feature's defining characteristics and how it influences or shapes society.

Why we study society but not individual context?

Studying society allows us to understand larger patterns, trends, and behaviors that impact groups of people. By focusing on society, we can identify societal structures, institutions, and systems that influence individuals' lives. While individual contexts are important, studying society provides insights into how social forces shape our identities, relationships, and opportunities.

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One can find information about the Hume Building Society at their official website. Other places to find more information include the sites True Local and Bridges.

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Because nicotine and alcohol are drugs. They just happen to be legal in this society, at this time.

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What does the concept of the advent of the information society talk about

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What are the components of information society?

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What impact did F. Scott Fitzgerald have on society today?

F. Scott Fitzgerald's works, such as "The Great Gatsby," continue to influence literature and popular culture today. His exploration of the American Dream, social class, and moral decay in the Jazz Age still resonates with modern audiences. Fitzgerald's portrayal of the complexities of human nature and society's flaws reminds us of enduring themes in our own time.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of streaming in the society?

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When was The Information Society created?

The Information Society was created in 1981.

What comment does Fitzgerald make about American society in this chapter 89 great gatsby?

In Chapter 9 of "The Great Gatsby," Fitzgerald portrays American society as shallow, materialistic, and obsessed with social status. He critiques the emptiness of the wealthy lifestyle and the moral decay that comes with it, ultimately highlighting the hollowness of the American Dream.