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Servants were typically paid for their work and had the freedom to leave their employment. Black slaves, on the other hand, were considered property and were forced to work without pay, often under brutal conditions. Slavery was a system of institutionalized oppression based on race, while servitude could include individuals of various races.

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Q: Differences between servants and black slaves.?
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Why did plantation owners MOST prefer to use slaves over indentured servants?

Plantation owners preferred using slaves over indentured servants because slaves were perceived as a lifetime investment, as they were considered property that could be bought and sold. Slaves were also viewed as a more long-term and reliable labor force, as they had fewer legal rights and were enslaved for life, unlike indentured servants who would be freed after a set period of time. Slaves were also often seen as easier to control and exploit due to their lack of legal protections.

Were all black people slaves?

No, not all black people were slaves. While millions of black people were enslaved throughout history, there were also free black individuals and communities that existed. It's important to recognize the diversity of experiences within the black community.

The slave state with more free black people than slaves?

The slave state with more free black people than slaves was Virginia. Though there was much debate about whether the state should be considered a slave state or free state due to the number of free slaves.

Why whites fear black slaves?

Whites may have feared black slaves due to the perceived threat of rebellion or uprising, as well as fears of loss of control and power. Whites also may have viewed black slaves as different or inferior, leading to feelings of superiority and the need to maintain dominance through fear.

What did black African black slaves do on their free time?

Black African slaves used their free time to engage in various activities such as playing music, dancing, storytelling, socializing with other slaves, and working on small personal projects. Some managed to practice traditional cultural customs and maintain connections to their heritage through music, dance, and storytelling.

Related questions

Why were laws passed that created differences between white servants and black slaves?

To protect against a slave rebellion

How did black evolve from indentured servants into slaves?

They became president of the U.S.A.

Where was the first city in the US where black people were sold as slaves and used as slaves not indentured servants?

It was Virginia.

Why did Chesapeake planters use black slaves more than indentured white servants after 1680?

declining death rates made slaves more profitable than indentured servants

What is the differences between indentured servants and slaves?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

Did George Washington have slaves and were they black?

Yes he did have slaves, but he freed them in his will when he died. ANd of course they were black

Why did rich people want black servants?

It was cheap or cost effective. It was also exotic and appeared to be enlightening to have them as servants instead of as slaves. This made the bosses appear to have a heart. Plus it appeared you have status if you have servants, black servants were considered a serving class of citizens back then.

What did plantation owners fear that led them to separate the white servants from black slaves?

Slave rebellions.

What were the difference between servants and slaves?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

What jobs were slaves given?

maids cooks babysitters farmers blacksmith

Why did black slaves come from Africa?

because the white men from the US thought that they were "property" and could be bought and sold. they sold the slaves for work and servants and to make money off them

What is the reason plantation owners preferred to have slaves rather than indentured servants?

Slaves were owned as property, but indentured servants were white people who signed a 7 year contract for transportation to the colonies. They could also blend in with the population while anyone who was black was a slave.