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Peninsulares have all the power

next is the Creoles who are the children of the peninsulares

then there are the mestizos and milatos who have little voice

Mestizos- native American and European

Milatos- africans and europeans

and finally there are the Native Americans and the Africans who have no voice.

Natives- serfs under the encomienda

Africans- Slaves

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4mo ago

The class system in Latin American countries is often organized along socio-economic lines, with distinct social classes based on income, education, and occupation. It is typically divided into upper class (wealthy elites and professionals), middle class (white-collar workers and small business owners), and lower class (manual laborers and the poor). There are also overlaps with racial and ethnic hierarchies in some countries, with indigenous and Afro-Latinx populations often facing discrimination and marginalization.

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3y ago


Creoles-middle class

Mestizos and Mulattos-below middle

Native Americans/Black slaves-bottom

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