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Generally speaking, when the government owns and operates the means of production in a nation competition is removed from all economic activities, at least all major ones. That is said because the operation of owner garden farms or small stores are sometimes allowed to be privately operated, They must be very small enterprises however. The Socialist government can try to create artificial competition. For example the socialist government can have two companies devoted to making military aircraft. The government can say it wants a jet fighter to be produced that can fly at 2,000 miles per hour. Then each factory works on its own to build the best fighter plane that flies at 2,000 miles per hour. The problem is this. The government owned factory who cannot quite produce the desired plane has now lost time and money trying to make that plane. With that said, the bottomline is that since the government owns both airplane factories, it loses money on the failed company but 'gains" with the successful company. This is a "wash" and the artificial competition is only a shell game in a manner of speaking.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

In socialism, competition can exist in the form of market competition between state-owned enterprises or through worker-managed cooperatives striving to improve efficiency and innovation. However, the overall goal of socialism is to prioritize collective welfare over individual competition, aiming to create a more equal and cooperative society.

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