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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Separation between different age groups in a school setting can allow teachers to tailor their teaching methods to each group's specific needs, without implying inequality. This separation can help students receive the appropriate level of instruction and support to maximize their learning potential, promoting equality in educational opportunities for all students.

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Q: Can you think of an example or situation where separation does not mean inequality?
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Is the extent of social inequality in the US helpful or harmful to society?

Social inequality in the US is harmful to society as it limits equal opportunities for individuals, perpetuates disparities in access to resources and opportunities, and leads to social and economic divisions. Addressing these inequalities through policies and programs that promote equity can lead to a more just and stable society.

What is an example of xenocentrism?

An example of xenocentrism is when individuals believe that products or cultural practices from another country are superior to their own. For instance, valuing American fashion over traditional clothing styles from their own culture.

What are the roles of sociology in the society?

•Sociology as a discipline attempts to answer these questions about life by using the tools of science; they have a very important role for the social outlook on the community itself.

What is Social Darwinism what do you think about Social Darwinism do you think the ideas of Social Darwinism still have an effect on our society why or why not?

Social Darwinism is a belief that certain individuals or groups of people are more fit to survive and prosper in society because of their inherent superiority. This concept has been widely discredited as it promotes discrimination, inequality, and justifies harmful social practices. While the explicit ideas of Social Darwinism may not be as prevalent today, its influence can still be seen in discriminatory attitudes and unequal power dynamics in society.

Which of the social factors do you think who was the most important?

It is difficult to determine a single most important social factor as they are all interconnected and play a role in shaping society. Factors such as education, income inequality, cultural norms, and social institutions all have significant impacts on individuals and communities in different ways. It is essential to consider the complex interactions between these factors to understand their collective influence on society.

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It is deviant for the government to have such inequality?

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Example of criticism using structuralism?

the example of criticism using structuralism is you think before you act, you must think wisely even the situation is hurrying or vice versa

What is the difference between a separation agreement for property child support and the final judement of dissolution of marriage?

A separation agreement addresses immediate issues, but is basically nullified and replaced by the final judgment of dissolution of marraige. Separation says this is what we think is a fair assessment of the situation, a dissolution says we've had a chance to examine everything and this is what we are saying is fair, deal with it.

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word mindless in it?

Not to think through a situation would be a mindless act.

What is the solution to the inequality x squared equals to 25?

"x squared equals to 25" is not an inequality! You need to re-think the question!

What is the separation of materials by molecular properties such as size?

You think probable to the separation with molecular sieves.

Who fought against racial inequality in the US?

well..... i think that martin Luther king fought AGAINST injustice and inequality because he made everyone consider and know that injustice and inequality is not right in the human race.

What rights do you think Gail has in this situation?

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Ramon didn't think much of the war in Iraq but after he heard a general explain the situation he decided he was for it. This is an example of?

Informational Influence -apex

Is the word situation a noun?

Yes, the word 'situation' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs; the way in which something is positioned in its surroundings. Example sentence: We will have to think creatively in this situation.

Give an example of an inequality?

these two questions should be answered differently because the one problem has numbers in the other problem this one does not include i think that these 2 questions should be answered differenetly.....

How fast can you lose on Separation diet?

in 5 weeks i think