There are thousands of ethnic tribes in Africa, each with a unique language and location. Your query is too broad for an effective answer.
The average height of African American males is around 5 feet 9 inches, while the average weight is approximately 195 pounds. For African American females, the average height is about 5 feet 4 inches with an average weight of around 180 pounds. These values may vary based on factors such as age, genetics, and lifestyle.
The average height is: * 5' 4.6" (164.1 cm) for a woman* 5' 10.2" (178.2 cm) for a man For more information about the average height of women and men worldwide, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
There is no specific average height for female news reporters as it varies among individuals. Height is not a determining factor for becoming a news reporter, as the focus is typically on skills such as communication, research, and presenting information effectively.
The average weight of an American adult is around 180-200 pounds. However, this can vary based on factors such as age, gender, and height.
The average height of a 21-35yo white American male is around 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm), and the average weight is approximately 195 pounds (88 kg). It's important to note that individual height and weight can vary significantly within this demographic.
The average height for adult males in India is around 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm), while for adult females it is around 5 feet 1 inch (155 cm). These averages may vary slightly depending on the region and ethnic group within India.
5 feet 5 inches is the height of the average American female.
The average weight of an average african american woman (5'6 average height) is about 130-145 lbs.
According to reliable sources, the average height of an african american man is anywhere from 5'8 to 6'2.
Average male height: 1.75 Average female height: 1.63
The average height is: * 5' 4.6" (164.1 cm) for a woman* 5' 10.2" (178.2 cm) for a man For more information about the average height of women and men worldwide, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
The average female height in the US and most of Europe is 5'4", so that is essentially average female height.
The textbook answer to that question would be 50% of their adult height. So, for instance, the average height of an American adult male is 5' 9". So the average height of an American male 2 year old would be 2' 10.5"
The average height for American women is 5'4", so 5'6" is above average height for a woman. The average height for American men is 5'9".
The average height for a 2-year-old female child is around 33 inches.
6 feet
There are different sites online to find the average height of female models. There have been many studies that compare height to weight and height to a variety of different things.
As reported by the world health organization Average height of a North American Male (with or without Crohns) 5 foot 9 inches Average height of a North American Female (with or without Crohns) 5 foot 4 inches These statistics do not change because of Crohns disease, Crohns disease is an ailment of the digestive system.