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Urban-rural migration simply refers to the movement of people from urban areas to rural areas. In recent times, rural to urban migration has become more common, as more people move to urban areas in search of jobs. Urban poverty simply refers to the poverty people living in urban areas experience.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

rural areas are settled places outside towns and cities. they can have an agricultural character,though many rural areas are based on natural gas, petroleum, etc... rural areas are less modern and open than urban areas. people there are probably more attached to there traditions and beliefs.we dont usually see the society moving, and i mean by that, seeing the populationg chaging habits, accepting other cultures and adopting some, etc. however we do found in rural areas hospitals, schools, and banks..

An urban area is an area with an increased density of human-created structures in comparison to the areas surrounding it.Urban areas may be cities, towns or conurbations...Unlike an urban area, a metropolitan area includes not only the urban area, but also satellite cities plus intervening rural land that is socio-economically connected to the urban core city, typically by employment ties through commuting, with the urban core city being the primary labor market. In fact, urbanized areas agglomerate and grow as the core population/economic activity center within a larger metropolitan area or envelope.people living there are open, they choose there cultures and there beliefs and share them and that's what make them a very modern society. they care most about technology, communication, economy, etc and always look forward to developp and extend markets, diversificate products..

this is a part of my answer, i am studying sociology and economy and i am frensh educated.however i am good at english, so if u have further questions i would be glad to help.

Essay on Interrelations Between Rural and Urban Sociology - Various branches of sociology study the different aspects of the same reality, that is, society. It is but natural that all the branches are interrelated. Accordingly, rural sociology and urban sociology too have interconnections.

Rural sociology studies the village and urban sociology deals with the city. The city life deΒ­pends on the village and what it produces. Similarly, the village is very much influenced by the city. Due to the pressures from within and attractions from outside people are flocking towards the cities from the villages.

The economic necessity and social deficiency are 'pushing' the people out of the village, while the attractions of the city are 'pulling' them towards their centres. This has resulted in phenomenon known as 'urbanisation'. Both rural sociology and urban sociology are interested in studying this phenomenon.

Rural sociology and urban sociology are mutually contributory. Rural sociology is helpful to urban sociology in studying such matters as-the causes for the growth of population in cities, the nature of urban problems and their solution, the reasons for the laxity of urban social institutions, rural trends in urban centres, the phenomenon of "loss of community", etc.

Similarly urban sociolΒ­ogy is helpful to rural sociology in studying such matters as-the limitations of rural life, the urban impact on the village, the 'rush' of people towards the city, rural change, rural problems, rural development, rural reconstruction, etc.

Rural sociology and urban sociology are so interrelated that one cannot be separated from the other. Just as it is difficult to draw a line of demarcation between the urban society and rural society, it is equally difficult to draw a hard and fast line of difference between urban sociology and rural sociology.

Urban trends are found in rural societies and rural tendencies are often continued in urban societies. In small cities and towns and also in sub-urban centres we find the intermixture of rural- urban trends and features which is often described in terms of 'rural-urban convergence".

A rural sociologist must have a basic understanding of urban sociology and similarly an urban sociologist must know the fundamental principles of rural sociology. There is no city in the world which does not have its rural background and similarly almost all the villages are influenced by the cities in one way or the other. This fact further emphasises the inter-relationship between urban sociology-and rural sociology.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You say what is different and what is similar between poverty in urban areas and poverty in rural areas.

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βˆ™ 2y ago

Briefly explain how these countries and agencies can expand ICT infrastructure into rural areas and (ii) how they can successfully use it for the purpose of rural poverty alleviation.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The only difference is "location".

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Q: How do you compare and contrast between urban and rural poverty?
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What is the contribution of livestock to poverty in rural Nigeria?

your cool awsomeness

What are two major causes of rural poverty in Brazil?

celeste fanza from ghs 2011

What is the Poverty in turkey?

22 percent in urban areas 35 percent in rural. so i would say 22 percent poverty rating in turkey

Causes of poverty among rural women?

In our modern life and times, a woman can never make more than a man. This means that she will always be making less than she could and this results in poverty.

How can we reduce poverty and ensure basic amenities for every citizen of India?

Pay your taxes, donate to worthy organizations when you can, do not support businesses or people that support or exploit illegal migrant farmers and pickers, and remember that that person on the corner with a sign asking for spare change may be you one day. Poverty in India: Current Situation what is meant by poverty? Poverty is one of the main issues, attracting the attention of sociologists and economists. It indicates a condition in which a person fails to maintain a living standard adequate for a comfortable lifestyle. Though India boasts of a high economic growth, it is shameful that there is still large scale poverty in India. Poverty in India can be defined as a situation when a certain section of people are unable to fulfill their basic needs. India has the world's largest number of poor people living in a single country. Out of its total population of more than 1 billion, 350 to 400 million people are living below the poverty line. Nearly 75% of the poor people are in rural areas, most of them are daily wagers, landless laborers and self employed house holders. There are a number of reasons for poverty in India. Poverty in India can be classified into two categories namely rural poverty and urban poverty. Reasons for Poverty? Some of the basic reasons of rural poverty in India are: • Unequal distribution of income. • High population growth. • Illiteracy. • Large families. • Caste system. Problems Of Poverty? • Presence of malnutrition, illiteracy, diseases and long term health problems. • Unhygienic living conditions, lack of proper housing, high infant mortality rate, injustice to women and social ill-treatment of certain sections of society. Steps Taken by Government to Reduce Rural Poverty ? The government of India has been trying its best to remove poverty. Some of the measures which the government has taken to remove rural poverty are: • Small farmer's development Programme. • Drought area development Programme. • Minimum needs Programme. • National rural employment Programme. • Assurance on employment. Causes for Urban Poverty? Improper training • Slow job growth. • Failure of PDS system

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