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According to the international research of competences of the adult population PIAAC, Russia has significantly taken the lead of many developed countries in the level of literacy in field of reading and mathematical literacy . But at the same time Russia lags behind in the level of computer and information and communication technologies skills.

Literacy in reading Russians showed the results above the average score of 275 against 273 points. For this indicator, the highest positions are occupied by Japan (296 ), Finland ( 288 ) and the Netherlands ( 284). The average score for mathematical literacy Russia (270 ) hardly differs from the average score of the OECD countries (269) . Most mathematically literate were Japanese - they scored 288 points. Finland is in second place - 282 points - the third with a score of Belgium 280 points.

But unfortunately in Russia the majority of the population has no experience with a computer or uses it hesitantly .

48.5 % of adults aged from 16 to 65 years , fall into this category. The high level of competence showed only 25.9 % of the population of Russia.

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4mo ago

The literacy rate in Russia is estimated to be around 99.7%. This high literacy rate is due to a strong emphasis on education in the country, with a well-established system of schools and universities.

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15y ago

99.4% of the entire Russian population is literate.

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