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Mauritius. By far.

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Rwanda is often considered one of the most progressive countries in Africa due to its focus on gender equality, economic development, and investment in technology and innovation. The country has made significant strides in healthcare, education, and governance under the leadership of President Paul Kagame.

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Q: Most progressive country in Africa
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What is Africa's most popular country?

It is difficult to determine the most popular country in Africa as popularity can be subjective and vary over time. However, countries like Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, and Kenya are often considered popular destinations for tourists and international events.

What country has the most number of HIV victims?

As of 2021, the country with the highest number of people living with HIV is South Africa.

Is South Africa the most educated country in Africa?

South Africa has one of the highest literacy rates in Africa, but it is not the most educated country overall. Countries like Seychelles, Mauritius, and Tunisia have higher rates of tertiary education enrollment and literacy levels.

What is the most progressive country in the world?

There is no definitive answer as different countries excel in different areas of progressiveness. Countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland are often considered among the most progressive due to their high levels of social welfare, gender equality, and environmental sustainability.

The most densely populated country in Africa?

The most densely populated country of Africa is ----- RwandaNigeria, has the highest population (146.2 million) in Africa, but is not necessarily the one with the highest population density (per area).The most densely populated city in Africa is Cairo in Egypt with an approximate 14,000,000 peopleRwanda has to be the most densely populated country in Africa. It is only 26,338 square kilometres and it's population is over 11 million.Edit: Comparative statements are prone to bias, especially when borne out of assumption. In terms of numbers, the population density of Kigali is about 1000 per sq. km. For Cairo that is 10000 per sq. km. For Lagos, the answer is 20000 per sq. km.