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It is unkown how many Taoists in China, but there are about 4.5 million Taiwan (which makes it the second largest religion), and a few tens of thousands in the Americas. It is also the fourth largest religion in Singapore (8.5% of the population), if one excludes the non-religious.

Some estimates place the number of Taoists in China at 20 million, others at 80 million.

Followers of Buddhism and Chinese traditional religion in general where shown to be at around 200 million by a recent survey. Other sources indicate that the number of Buddhists in China is 100 million, so it's likely that most of the 100 million is Taoist.

Taoism also has a large cultural influence on China and other countries that it used to have a presence in.

Taoism has a small presence in the Chinese diaspora (more common in the diaspora are Buddhism, non-religion and Christianity).

There are also some Taoists in South Korea. The number of Chinese traditional religious is possibly an undercount, since many Chinese feel uncomfortable discussing their religion with people in public, perhaps even up to 20%.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

There are about 376 million Buddhists in the world today, according to adherents dot com.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Daoism has an estimated 20 million followers today. It is an indigenous Chinese religion that has adherents in many other nations.

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