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Q: Why would a spouse visit the police and cry Im Abused because you raised your voice to show your displeasure with her false accusations Isnt she misusing the police system?
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Why do you miss your father who abused you?

Because you love your father even if he abused you.

How many animals in Arkansas have been abused?

42,000 animals have been abused because of the pope

How was Nicki Minaj abused?

It is unknown if she was ever abused because her private life is very private.

Why do pets get abuse?

Because there owners are sick jerks. Abused* Why do pets get abused? Sorry for the constructive criticism.^^

Why is spirit rated PG?

It is rated PG because there are some parts where they abused the hours and they abused that man.

Do animals die because they are abused?

Of course

Why Do children live on the streets?

because they get abused or run away or even gett in bulled

What number out of what number of animals are abused?

about 75 out of 100 animals get abused every day because people do not take the time to care for their animals. about 75 out of 100 animals get abused every day because people do not take the time to care for their animals.

How can you get parental rights suspended because of abuse?

By reporting it to the agency in charge of child services in your state of residence or law enforcement depending on the law where you reside. This is not something that should be done lightly. False accusations of abuse have lead to both parents losing custody to the state. However if the child is really being abused, you have a duty to report it.

Why do animals turn aggressive when abused?

they turn aggresive because they are tired of getting abused. it is just like us when we are getting abused we start to get aggressive and i know because i am 5-foot-5 and 14 in beaumont high school always getting picked on.

Why did blacks slaves get abused by whites?

Because the whites thought they were "superior" to the blacks. So when the slaves didn't want to work, they were abused.

Why girls more abused?

because girls cant fight