Federal legislation banned the KKK.
We assume you mean "banned." The KKK has never been banned. We live in a country that prizes freedom of assembly, unlike the one they would like to have.
You were fortunate that you asked the question on WikiAnswers as you have now got an answer.
You probably got banned from habbo.. my friends have got banned and you get banned for 40 days
He knew he was fortunate to have got the job, as some of the other candidates that were interviewed were very good.
If you got banned , you did something bad.
because the KKK is racist. however the first amendment gives anyone the right to say what they want. if the KKK was banned from speaking because of being racist then people like jesse jackson, al sharpton, and others would also have to be stopped.
Ramones - The KKK Took My Baby away :)
No, But they will show you on your Club Penguin screen that you got banned, how long are you banned and why.
ItDepends On How Long You Got Banned...... If You Got Banned FOREVER You just make a new account or get ALONG with life! Gosh, Don't Be A baby About it! Add Me! c: -Beyonceknowles!
It was a secret organization formed by people who absolutely hated African Americans. The more they hated the African Americans, the bigger the KKK got.
kkk gave its name after the movement