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It is a good thing to do. Helping people is good for those people and for you. It gives something back to the community. It is good for experience. It is good to have shown initiative by being a volunteer when you are looking for work. You may even get a job because you have been a volunteer. It gives you a chance to try things out to see what they are like, with a chance to see if you like a kind of work. For these and many other reasons, it is good to volunteer.

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14y ago

yes it is good to volunteer but it is your own attitude that moves you

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Q: Why should I volunteer?
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What volunteer site should you volunteer with?

Whichever one is the most pleasing according to your personal interests.

Why should kids volunteer?

it will help the community

Why should you volunteer in your community?

If there's nobobdy wants and you have this great courage within then no wonder go on and be a volunteer.

Can someone else pay child support payments in Texas?

A volunteer can pay your child support payments for you but you should make certain you still have proof of payment.A volunteer can pay your child support payments for you but you should make certain you still have proof of payment.A volunteer can pay your child support payments for you but you should make certain you still have proof of payment.A volunteer can pay your child support payments for you but you should make certain you still have proof of payment.

How can you qualify to work as a volunteer?

In order to qualify to work as a volunteer, you should be reliable, trustworthy and depndable. Depending on what type of volunteer work you want to do, you may also need certain skills as well.

What is a student volunteer and how to become one?

A student volunteer is a non-paying job that students can have, working for free basically. Lots of places offer volunteer programs, all you'd have to get her to do is contact the place she'd like to volunteer at and they should give all the info.

What type of volunteer work should I do 0-o?

quite alot

How do you volunteer at a library?

There should be an application online. If not you will have to go in and request an application.

What is the cost of a volunteer?

There is no cost for a volunteer because a volunteer does it for nothing. They volunteer for what ever it is.

Why did garibaldi think Italians should volunteer to help the sicilians?

because of the elepants.

If you are 14 and looking for a fun place to do your volunteer hours what should you do?

You could go to your local nursing home, or senior center. They love it when people come to volunteer. It's rewarding for them and you ;)

Should colleges and employers look for volunteer activities on students resumes?

Yes and they already do.