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YES. Water is indeed good for you. It cleans you out and replaces the sweat that comes out of you. Even you are 70% water. So if you are thirsty, I suggest you drink water. It's good for you.
yes, it has 0 calories 0 chelorestrol, 0 sodium, what ever you name, it will be a zero. it is reccomended for a person to drink more than 3 glasses of water in a day.

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13y ago

Yes. Tap water is relatively clean and filtered, and with added fluoride to strengthen your teeth from cavities. Too much water can lead to water intoxication, which is potentially fatal, but tap water itself is good for you.

It's a good idea to know what metals may be in your tap water. This will require sending a sample to a laboratory. Your water supplier should give you some basic information on the presence of minerals and metals in your water. By tasting water that has been filtered through an inexpensive charcoal filter and comparing it with your tap water, you may find a significant taste difference most of which may be the result of chlorine added to the water.

Answer by Ha Le Lu Ya

I learned this in an Oprah TV show by Dr. Oz. He said that Tap Water is not good for you at all. It's not clean when you think it is. If you drink Tap Water, you are drinking sewer water, the water you just flushed down the toilet, and the water that people shower with! Gross! You could also be drinking somebody elses urine but you cant taste it because the machines that clean the water took out the flavor but did not clean it. Why do you think some people don't like tap water? It's because the way it tastes like, it does not taste fresh. After you flush the toilet or take a bath, that water goes in the sewer and the machines that purify the water are really bad at there job. They don't purify it well so your drinking some nasty, unhealthy stuff there. Drink bottled water and you wont regret that!


I would also cite three medical studies that show the "Chlorine" used in the water could have adverse health effects (these studies are very hard to find, and not popular). These studies linked the amount of chlorine intake directly to hardening of the arteries and other heart conditions. Please also note that in "Laboratory Testing" rats are NOT given tap water as it raises their cancer rate to approximately 99%.

The following note is added by Nobody777: I disagree with the above statement. First of all, I wouldn't exclusively trust information about the water I drink from a celebrity like Oprah... or wiki answers for that matter. That having been said, I looked at Oprah's own website and found that she does NOT promote bottled water over tap water. In fact, just the opposite is true. The following is a direct quote:

"In 2006 Americans spent some $16 billion on bottled H20. But there's no good evidence that this water is any safer than what comes out of your tap. The EPA requires stricter testing of the public water supply than the FDA does of bottled water.* And water purchased at the store is in many cases plain old tap water, filtered, bottled, and sold for a price that's often higher than the cost of gasoline."

The other ridiculous comment left by Ha Le Lu Ya is that tap water is NOT sewer water! This person is severely misinformed! My co-worker used to work at a water purification plant. They separate the contaminants from the drain and sewer water (to prepare them for disposal), then the remaining water is cleaned and purified, and finally disposed of in the ocean. Drinking water absolutely does NOT come from the sewer plant or the ocean for that matter!

Additionally, I disagree with the comment left that said tap water is "good for you" because of the fluoride in it. I would agree that tap water is generally good, but NOT because of the fluoride that's added in. Fluoride is a poison and is the worst thing you can ingest. There is only marginal benefit to young teeth when exposed to fluoride EXTERNALLY, but there is NO BENEFIT from ingesting it! In fact, statistics show that towns that have heavily fluoridated water have worse dental problems (including decay) than those where the water is untreated. Fluoride is NOT a vitamin. Your body tissues cannot absorb it and help you have stronger teeth. It is literally classified as poison. If you don't believe this, just look at the label of your toothpaste and read the warnings. Why do you think you are not supposed to swallow toothpaste?

Despite the problem (and/or exception) of fluoride, tap water is not all that bad for you (in most places). In fact, most city water purification plants have higher quality standards and are more heavily regulated than water bottling companies. Many water bottling companies do not disclose the actual source or purification process of their water! The big name brands are some of the worst! Often it's just tap water with a fancy label on it and a price that's 10,000 times what tap water costs (and no, that's not an exaggeration).

Check with your city water supply organization. They usually produce annual reports on the quality of their water. If you have concerns, consider a quality under-sink filtration system (one that removes fluoride too) or consider home or bottled distilled water. Distilled water is the most natural purification process (think rain water). I recommend reading Paul Bragg's book called the Miracle of Water.

To sum up, my opinion is that tap water is generally fine to drink. If you use a filter make sure to change it regularly, otherwise a filter can actually worsen the quality of your water! There are also videos online that tell you how to make your own water distiller at home for around a hundred bucks. Do some research from multiple sources to make an informed decision. Good luck and good health! :)

You have to be careful with bottled water though a lot of it is just tap water some of it not even bothered to filter. So make sure and research what you're buying and most of it comes from a "municipal source" but been filtered but like I said sometimes not even filtered. There's actually less laws over bottled water (varies widely by state too) than over public water.

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12y ago

Water can flush anything bad out of your body and replaces the sweat that you perspire. It also rehydrates your body fluid levels.

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Distilled water is a bad conductor. Dirty water, or water with impurities added, is a good conductor. It is not the water that matters, but the impurities.

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Distilled water is a bad conductor. Dirty water, or water with impurities added, is a good conductor. It is not the water that matters, but the impurities.

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Water is good for life, so yes probably.

Is water go for you?

Do you mean "Is water good for you"? If it is then YES water is good for you and also it gives you energy and keeps you hydrated.

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Is water bad or good?

It is good. If your asking why because most of the world is made of water, then we conserve it because not all of the water is fresh water