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Some illegal aliens will make more than US citizens, simply because there are literally millions of them in the U.S., and some of them get paid pretty well, but most do not. The great majority will earn near the minimum wage or slightly more than the minimum. If they have a landscape business (mow lawn, plant sod, etc.) or work in construction, then they will make considerably more than the minimum wage.

The question that lower-income Americans should be asking their Congressman is, "Why am I competing for work against illegal aliens, which in turn, lowers the wages that I could earn, because they are depressing the wage scale across-the-board for working class Americans?"

If there were no illegal aliens in the U.S., then working-class Americans, the people who need a raise the most, would in fact receive a better wage, because there would be no illegals to supply cheap, illegal labor to businesses which crave it. Wake up Americans who make less than $50,000 per year, you are the victims of cheap, illegal labor. Now, what are you going to do about it?

Both the Democrats and corporate Republicans want more illegal labor in the U.S. Please research this issue as much as possible, and learn for yourself, that their positions are wrong, and they have been corrupting our Immigration system for the last 26 years (since the last unfair amnesty in 1986). Educate yourself and demand that our country enforce its immigration laws and that Congress pass eVerify to ensure that all companies hire legal labor.

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Q: Why is there illegal immigrants in my neighborhood getting paid more and living better than me if I pay taxes and I am a Citizen?
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Getting married to an American citizen.

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I am in no way condoning illegal immigration. However may agricultural and construction jobs hire illegal immigrants to have lower operating costs and to make more profits. You should note that it is against the law to be an illegal immigrant. Illegal immigrants use public resources such as food stamps and public housing. This may cause a US Citizen that is in need not be able to receive assistance.

Do illegal immigrants parents have to be naturalized before their children become citizens?

Children can be citizens on their own. For example- illegal alien gives birth in the U.S., the illegal mother is still illegal but the child would be a U.S. citizen.

What year did the last immigrants come to America?

Right... now? There are immigrants getting into the US every day, by legal or illegal means.

How many voters in US are illegal immigrants?

none you have to be a legal citizen to vote. if you didnt have to be legal there would be hundreds of thousands of extra voters.

How many gay illegal immigrants are there?

This statistic isn't measured, but if there are about 12 Million illegal immigrants in the U.S., then there are about 500,000 gay illegal immigrants.