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Q: Why is the life of an individual less important than the well-being of a society?
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Cost is an important factor in determining whether a good or service is produced as a public good How does this factor relate to the individual and to society?

1. The benefit to each individual is less than the cost that each would have to pay if it were provided privately, and 2. the total benefits to society are greater than the total cost.

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Generally, they were less important. They didn't have important roles in society, chances are, they didn't have any real power or authority either. The Titanic crew had to get the people who were 'important to society' out first.

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Its important because they show trends (growth) in data. Individual data points are less important than what you see when you put all the data together.

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I found one important effect: People will talk less about the news, local or global.

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I believe Coco Chanel's purpose for creating such revolutionary styles for women in that era was to open the women to the world. It was to create a different role for the women in society. It was to create an independent woman that was not meant to stay and home and produce children, she [women] solely as an individual had an important role in society. With the creation of new less restricting clothes came a sense of confidence and leadership.

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It is important because it is "less" subject to being flexible in the favour of the ruling class in a society. If somthing is written down and one violates the law then they are punished

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Society is now more educated and feels for the less fortunate. Now days society is less prejudice, and more accepting.

How do you say less important in french?

"less important" = "moins important"

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Norbert Rillieux's invention was important because it caused less fires, it increased the sugar production while decreasing cost, it took less time, and protected the lives of the workers by ending the older dangerous methods of sugar production

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Answer this question… It allowed for much less individual freedom.

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Less and less it appears.