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It contains carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide fused into your blood cell called haemoglobin more actively than oxygen. This will reduce oxygen content delivered throughout your body. Inhaling too much carbon monoxide will result in drowning. Also the smoke contains smoke particles which could damage the alveoli in your lungs which further decrease oxygen consumption by your blood.

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Q: Why is smoke from cars bad for you?
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Cars that don't have smoke in them do not let out smoke.

Bad things on cars?

Anything that is a moving part. If not properly maintained will cause damage and be a "bad thing" on a car. Petrol is one of the bad things it makes our environment polluted because of the smoke.

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It is always bad to smoke.

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Most cars have a little white smoke on start-up, but a consistent plume of white hot smoke is caused by antifreeze leaking into your combustion chamber and being expelled as steam. This is a bad thing.

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Cars are good, some drivers are bad.

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You can't smoke in any company cars from any where!

Are cars good and bad?

Cars are bad, because it's for our environment

Are cars bad?

No. Cars are a tool, and are neither good nor bad.

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There is good and bad in all cars.

Is it bad to smoke?

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