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We need to protect the environment as we depend on it completely. * If don't have plants, which are part of the environment, we cannot live as it provides us with oxygen and food. * If don't have sunlight we won't get energy to grow. * If we don't have land we could not have lived in buildings and houses.

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15y ago
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12y ago

One thing you can try to do is to throw away your garbage in the garbage CAN. I dont understand if you cant do this. This is our only earth. I dont know if you can find another earth (it might take 3,000,000 years i dont know) just clean up. Teach your kids to clean up!

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14y ago

You should save the world because you LOVE it. You should save the world because everything you love is an integral part of it. Everyone should do their best to save the world they live in. People that live in the world now a days should be able to continue living like that and future generations. People should start caring for their world because you never know the future. You never know if one day you will need the world's help. We all should be careful with what we do to the environment and every living thing living on it. The world is not only one person's, it is everybody's and so think about others and not only about yourself.

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11y ago

We need the environment to keep alive. If we pollute the atmosphere, we can't breathe anymore and everyone dies. If we destroy the ozone layer completely, the radioactive space radiation comes straight to the Earth and everyone dies. If we hack down all the forests there is not enough plants to produce oxygen for us to breath, and everyone dies.

Basically if we destroy our environment everyone dies.

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14y ago

It might be difficult for one person to do so, but everyone acting together (even small things can add up a lot) can help to save the earth.

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15y ago

---- Love thy World As If it were Our Children. In The Words Of Shakespeare xx in order to protect us. Look after the world!! L.h.P x

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13y ago

If you destroy it, you will destroy human life, too. We depend on nature for very many things, including our food and water.

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12y ago

Because She is our Home.

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Saving money and and preserving the environment.

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How does saving energy help your environment?

dont leave lights and electronics on

What is the importance o forest?

actually it is very much important not only for humans but also for animals, atmosphere, environment, for saving of floods and so many other works are done by forests