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Some reasons why Natural Resources should be conserved is to allow time for new ones to form. Natural resources should also be conserved to allow people to continue to survive.

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12y ago

It is important to preserve earth's natural resource because if you don't you will die

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Q: Why is it important to preserve earth's natural resources?
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Soil forest and minerals are among earths what resources?

Natural resources.

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Land. The basis of all that we are. Not only is land the most used natural resource it is the most valuable.

Why are saving earth's resources important?

Earths resources are the most important thing in earth besides humans with out the earths resources the human race would slowly die out.

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Natural resources

Energy and earths resources?

Earth's resources are finite, and the way we extract and use energy from them can have negative impacts on the environment. It is important to shift towards renewable energy sources and sustainable practices to reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources and minimize harm to the planet. By promoting energy efficiency and conservation, we can help preserve Earth's resources for future generations.

Why are fluorescent lights helpful in preserving earths natural resources?

Fluorescent lights are not helpful in preserving natural resources. It is an artificial light made from products using resources from the earth.

What are earths natural resources?

Earth's natural resources include water, minerals, air, forests, wildlife, and soil. These resources are essential for sustaining life on Earth and supporting human activities. Proper management and conservation of these resources are crucial for ensuring a healthy and sustainable environment for future generations.

Why is it important to protect the earths resources?

It is important to protect the earth's resources to ensure sustainability for future generations, maintain ecological balance, and preserve biodiversity. Overconsumption and exploitation of resources can lead to environmental degradation, climate change, and depletion of essential resources.

What is th earths resources?

The earth has many resources, natural and man-made. Natural resources include naturally occurring phenomena like the oceans, coal, timber, gold and diamonds.

In 2005 the united nations suggested human activities are degrading or overusing what percentage of the earths natural resources?
