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It is important to analyze the marketing environment internally and externally to help keep a reliable ROI and reduce the company's expenditures as well. When certain marketing platforms become over saturated competition can become overly expensive and ultimately lead to the financial demise of an organization. You must keep track of trends as well. Certain ads and copyright can be overplayed and make a company look behind the times or less revolutionary.

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The marketing environment has seven important elements to it. These elements include; social and cultural factors, political factors, the condition of the economy, media, logistics, competition and technology.

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Components that make up the marketing environment are the competitive environment, political/legal environment, economic environment, technological environment, and social/cultural environment.

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The internal marketing environment is commonly referred to as the micro marketing environment. These are the small forces that will influence the ability to attend to clients within a company.

What do you mean by term marketing environment?

The marketing environment refers to the state of marketing surrounding the business. Current trends in marketing help determine a business's strategy.

What is a marketing environment analysis framework?

It is green marketing.

The consumer is probably the most important element in the marketing chain in the modern marketing environment?

WRONG. Having a good product is the most important element for good press. You also need to have a demographic that fits your product. The third most important element is the customer.

What is meant by term marketing environment?

Marketing Environment is the sum total of all the forces that affects the firm's or a business organisation's decisions. Because, the firm's internal environment is controllable to a certain extent, so marketing environment basically includes the firm's external uncontrollable environment.

What is the definition of environmental marketing?

environmental marketing is the marketing of products that are Eco friendly and do not damage the environment