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trade unions they allow employees tobe involved in politics.hence they will benefit from the money that will be offered during the campaings .they also provide job security,pensions.hence employees are also included in collective bargainigg

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they help them by giving them 10 pounds

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Q: Why is it important for trade unions to improve the life of workers?
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Poor working conditions gave rise to trade unions. They also negotiate better pay and benefits on behalf of the workers. Primarily, they protect and improve conditions.

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What are the role of trade unions?

*providing job security that is protecting workers from unfair dismissals.*helping workers to improve themselves through their education funds.*protecting workers from unfair wage guidelines which reduce workers standard of living

Effectiveness of trade union?

The effectiveness of trade unions is seen in the way workers enjoy their rights. Employers are subjected to treating employees in a professional manner as trade unions will fight for workers' rights.

When did Leon Trotsky inform trade unions about the use of military force against workers?

Leo Trotsky did inform the trade unions about the use of military force against workers in the 1920s.

What are the majors kinds of labor unions?

Craft Unions, who make up skilled workers in a specific trade. Industrial Unions, who make up all the workers in a trade regardless of skill level. and Local Unions, which are members of a union in a particular factory, company, or area.

What do trade unions do?

Trade unions are organizations made up of workers and their representatives that negotiate with employers for pay, benefits, work conditions, and schedules.