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Homosexuality is considered an offense in 76 countries, mainly due to religious prejudice.

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10y ago

Homosexuality is considered a sin because it does not lead to producing offspring to populate the planet.

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Because those who think this are ignorant bigots

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Q: Why is homosexuality considered an offense?
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Homosexuality used to be considered a psychological disorder but that has not been true since the publication of the 3rd Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-III) in the 1980s. The American Psychological Association considers any attempt to "treat" (i.e., get rid of) homosexuality to be unethical. An exception is when the homosexuality is a source of considerable distress or anxiety for the patient/client, but in such a case, it is the anxiety that is treated, not the sexual orientation.

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yes. becuase if the offense is considered to be a threat to the judge/person in charge, then yes it could or would be.

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The obviousness of the awnser is astoundingly simple. No, it isn't. Why would it be?

Is homosexuality considered an illness according to the American medical association?

No. It used to be, but that was decades ago.

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When did psychologists consider homosexuality a mental illness in the 1950's?

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