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well doctors are not allowed to do kill patients in form of euthanasia.This is so because when they were going to work as doctors they had taken a Hippocratic oath which says that doctors should save the life of patients as far as possible.

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Q: Why is euthanasia wrong to doctors?
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What do doctors feel about euthanasia?

Most doctors are against euthanasia.

Why do some doctors believe euthanasia is wrong?

Most doctors who are against euthanasia are against it because they believe they are there to heal and protect, not kill. According to the Hyppocratic oath, "I will never do harm to anyone", and many doctors hold with that line of ethics.

Can euthanasia go wrong?

Of course. Anything can go wrong, and when you involve life-or-death situations, the results can be devastating. The most striking example of Euthanasia gone wrong can be seen in the Netherlands, where several sources estimate that around one thousand people are euthanized by doctors every year without their consent, for the simple reason that doctors decided it was time for them to die. According to a video by the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide called Euthanasia; A False Light: It has gotten so bad in Holland that people have in their wallets little cards that say, "Do not euthanize me without my consent."

Are there situation where euthanasia would be wrong?

Yes every situation that deals with euthanasia is wrong. It is wrong to take a chance when there are such things as psychopaths in the medical field who do not care about taking lives.

Which Christian denominations believe that euthanasia is wrong?

All of them

Do you Know any thesis statements for being against Euthanasia Its for a reserch report in kneed it by Friday?

euthanasia is wrong.

Why is euthanasia right to doctors?

Euthanasia against the patients' will is illegal worldwide. Physician-assisted-death, where the patient self-administers the lethal medication, is only legal in certain countries and the states of Montana, Oregon, and Washington. The debate over euthanasia stems from whether it's morally right to allow people to kill themselves to end their suffering from fatal and/or painful illnesses. Most doctors probably consider euthanasia wrong, though some might argue that it's the patients right to decide whether to suffer or to end their own lives.

Why does euthanasia exist?

Euthanasia exists because there is people that have incurable diseases and cannot live their life suffering that way so they choose to die by the hand of doctors

Should doctors euthanasia for terminally ill patients?

Euthanasia is only done if the patient wants to after they have been evaluated to be of sane mind. So yes, if that fits.

Can you put euthanasia in a sentence?

Euthanasia is the practice killing (typically in a painless way) for reasons of mercy. It can also be a painless death. "Having given up hope, the injured man asked the doctors for euthanasia." There are more examples here:

Is euthanasia considered a crime in the Netherlands?

No it's not. In fact, Netherlands is the first country which legalized euthanasia. There are very strict rules for euthanasia. And sometimes it's considered a crime. Euthanasia is only legal when someone has to suffer forever and many doctors agree with it. So it's hard to get it in the Netherlands.

Euthanasia crime or not?

* Euthanasia is a crime in most States with the exception of Oregon and Washington, but Texas, Minnesota and a few other States are trying to accept Euthanasia into their States. It's not a crime to the person that is ill if that individual has a long-term painful illness where they will not get better and want to die with dignity. Often doctors keep patients alive due to the Hippocratic Oath, but more and more doctors are 'for' Euthanasia. Some people are against it because of their religious beliefs. One day in the not too distant future Euthanasia will be an individuals right to decide upon.