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of course the censorship should exist because theres lots of children using on appropriate words for each other and violence is not good for them at all.

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Q: Why does censorship exist?
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Related questions

What type of censorship occurred during the Vietnam War?

It did not exist.

Was there censorship in the Vietnam War?

Yes, military censorship existed in the Vietnam War. Military censorship helps hide important military information from becoming exposed to the enemy. Military information includes, but is not limited to, an ambush, night attack, or invasion. During the Second World War, censorship did not exist, though fortunately, the presence of the world's first atomic bomb was detected neither before nor after the bomb's creation. The Vietnam War was the first war to have censorship.

What is television censorship?

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When did censorship begin in Houston Tx?

Censorship is against the Bill of Rights freedom of expression. If there is any censorship that is illegal, so your answer to the question is that there isn't any censorship.

What forms did censorship take in Australia?

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When was Office of Censorship created?

Office of Censorship was created in 1941.

When did Office of Censorship end?

Office of Censorship ended in 1945.

When was Index on Censorship created?

Index on Censorship was created in 1972.

Does censorship still exist today in the movie industry?

Yes. Most theater chains refuse to book a film rated "NC-17" regardless of the subject matter.

What is a sentence with censorship in it?

Censorship is getting out of hand.The censorship of the television was a bit far-fetched.Censorship exists to protect people from harmful content.

When was No More Censorship created?

No More Censorship was created in 1988-08.

What happend in 1835 about censorship?

your mom was born that is what happened in 1835 with censorship!