

Why does KKK burn cross?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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12y ago

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The KKK do not burn crosses people just think that it is a cross when in all actuality it nothing more than lower case t. The lower case t stands for time to leave and they burn it on african-american families to let them know that they are not wanted in that town or area, it also serves as a warning that if they dont leave things will get worse


Updated by Bubba.



Actually the answer above is incorrect. That was supposed to be a joke on the classic comedy TV Series "Family Guy"

The cross was to call in clans or to tell clan members to come which was invented by the Scottish Practice. The main difference was the burned X and not crosses.

The original KKK did not burn crosses from their original reign in the late 1800's but in the 1900's they started burning them after the current leader read a popular growing Scottish poet.

The KKK of the present and during slavery was used to warn the black people that if they didn't leave they would feel vengeance. So in reality, They used it to silent and scare their oppressor.


actually, they say that they are actually LIGHTING crosses, to show Jesus Chirst coming out of the dark and into the light. they don't see it as disgracing God, since they "aren't burning it"

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12y ago

My first theory is:

They believe the fire symbolizes power and glory, so they set the crosses on fire to symbolize the power and glory of the cross.

My Second Theory:

The KKK has since the early 1866 taken some of the rituals of the Scottish clans who would set hillside crosses ablaze as symbols of defiance against military rivals or to rally troops when a battle was imminent, but cross-burning was not part of terror on re the Scottish clans and it was the KKK that took it further as a warning to those that dare interfere with a pure race of white supremists movement.

My thrid Theory:

the burning crosses were added during the second KKK and were used to intimidate people. What I think is that they burn the crosses because Jesus was killed on a cross...and alot of them believe that black people are descedants of Cain...they believe that the mark that GOD put on Cain was turning his skin black..they are extremely ignorant people who can really know why they do what they do

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12y ago

The original Ku Klux Klan, which was founded in 1866 and disbanded in the early 1870s, didn't burn crosses. It took almost 40 years for that tradition to take place thanks to author Thomas Dixon who wrote about burning crosses in a novel named The Clansman. William J. Simmons, the founder of the Klan, burned a cross at an meeting of the newly-established Knights of the Ku Klux Klan on Thanksgiving night, 1915, on Stone Mountain near Atlanta. Flaming crosses have been a Klan trademark ever since. The reason was to advertise the klan.

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12y ago

they don't burn it because they hate god. They light it because in darkness jesus gives them light so the klans men/woman get blessed by the light. That's why they light the crosses at night while playing "amassing grace" and praying.

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9y ago

The idea to burn crosses started by the Ku Klux Klan in 1905. They started it as a terms of inspiration to their members to get them excited.

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14y ago

to thank jesus for crucifying on the cross for us

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13y ago

They believed that by burning the cross it allowed Jesus to pass through the light into our world

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12y ago

The Klan burns whichever model they are protesting against. They burn these representations in effigy. It is a sign of protest or anger towards those they fear and hate.

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14y ago

they burnt people on crosses

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Why did ku klan burn the crosses?

The Ku Klux Klan, the organization most closely associated with burning crosses, identifies itself as Christian and tries to squeeze under the protected speech of the First Amendment.The KKK has since the early 1866 taken some of the rituals of the Scottish clans who would set hillside crosses ablaze as symbols of defiance against military rivals or to rally troops when a battle was imminent, but cross-burning was not part of terror on re the Scottish clans and it was the KKK that took it further as a warning to those that dare interfere with a pure race of white supremists movement.They started to burn crosses when film makers put them in movies. This motivated the KKK. Also a poem called The Lady of the Lake talks about a burning cross to summon the Scottish clans.It was in Scotland that the 'fiery cross' called Crann Tara was created as a declaration of war. Even though some KKK members where of Scottish descent there is no proof that this ritual was brought over from Scotland.The KKK was united in 1866 in Tennessee by six veterans of the Confederate Army until Ulysses S. Grant destroyed the KKK by the Civil Rights Act of 1871. This, however, did not deter the KKK from terrorizing the blacks. It was William J. Simmons the founder of the second clan that used the burning of the cross by the KKK more often which was called 'cross burning' or cross lighting' to let other KKK members know where to meet and to defend what they considered their territory and to terrorize blacks and whites alike that disagreed with their Aryan order. Many citizens thought it was a sacralidge to burn the cross, but the KKK defended themselves by claiming they burned the crosses as a symbol of their faith in what their belief system was. The KKK killed not only blacks, but whites and also a few politicians along the way.The Reconstruction era Klan did not burn crosses; Thomas Dixon in 1902 - 1907 with his trilogy novels romanticized this version.Once a mighty force the KKK has weakened a great deal, but still exists in some States and in Canada to this day. They have gone from millions of members to just thousands.

Why did the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?

The Ku Klux Klan, the organization most closely associated with burning crosses, identifies itself as Christian and tries to squeeze under the protected speech of the First Amendment.The KKK has since the early 1866 taken some of the rituals of the Scottish clans who would set hillside crosses ablaze as symbols of defiance against military rivals or to rally troops when a battle was imminent, but cross-burning was not part of terror on re the Scottish clans and it was the KKK that took it further as a warning to those that dare interfere with a pure race of white supremists movement.They started to burn crosses when film makers put them in movies. This motivated the KKK. Also a poem called The Lady of the Lake talks about a burning cross to summon the Scottish clans.It was in Scotland that the 'fiery cross' called Crann Tara was created as a declaration of war. Even though some KKK members where of Scottish descent there is no proof that this ritual was brought over from Scotland.The KKK was united in 1866 in Tennessee by six veterans of the Confederate Army until Ulysses S. Grant destroyed the KKK by the Civil Rights Act of 1871. This, however, did not deter the KKK from terrorizing the blacks. It was William J. Simmons the founder of the second clan that used the burning of the cross by the KKK more often which was called 'cross burning' or cross lighting' to let other KKK members know where to meet and to defend what they considered their territory and to terrorize blacks and whites alike that disagreed with their Aryan order. Many citizens thought it was a sacralidge to burn the cross, but the KKK defended themselves by claiming they burned the crosses as a symbol of their faith in what their belief system was. The KKK killed not only blacks, but whites and also a few politicians along the way.The Reconstruction era Klan did not burn crosses; Thomas Dixon in 1902 - 1907 with his trilogy novels romanticized this version.Once a mighty force the KKK has weakened a great deal, but still exists in some States and in Canada to this day. They have gone from millions of members to just thousands.

What other rituals did the KKK do then burning the cross?

They conducted initiation rituals.

What are the rules of the KKK?

The Ku Klux Klan has a strange ritual of Burning the Cross. This might be because the Satan didn't like the cavalry and crosses were a sing of the cavalry. Although, the Ku Klux Klan give an argument that they do it as the Christian Scots used to burn them to muster forces for war. Sources: (Answer to the question: Why does the Klan burn the cross?)

When was Which Bridge to Cross - Which Bridge to Burn - created?

Which Bridge to Cross - Which Bridge to Burn - was created on 1995-01-30.

Did the KKK burn houses?

No! they carry both the Stars and Stripes and the Confederate Flag and observe all normal flag etiquette! They do burn the Cross. These are usually wooden crosses that are set alight with various chemical agents,and inflammed on property of Black Churches, houses, property as a warning- get the ____ off we are the KKK. oddly enough there was a very militant organization in what was called Vichy France called the Croixs de Feu ( Crosses of Fire or fiery crosses) it had no connection with the KKK but was violently anti-semitic. it was originally a veteran"s org- honoring veterans of World war one who had served ( Under Fire) e.g. enemy action. It soon escalated into a hate organization like the KKK it might have borrowed its name from!

What did the KKK want to do to African Americans during Reconstruction?

Burn their houses, schools, and basically turn them into slaves again.