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Q: Why do young people of today are too easily influenced?
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Why would the Nazis focus on controlling the lives of young people?

Youth & children are more likely to be influenced & then believe the propaganda. It is the same today as it was then. It is easier to mislead younger people.

Did the british people like having king george the third for a king?

Reasonably. He was not a strong ruler, and as a young man was too easily influenced by his tutor. He was a good family man, and a reasonable character - until he started going mad at fifty.

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Today young people are encouraged to vote by?

Rock the Vote

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Because their famous.

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Eating disorders are prevalent among young people today?

Yes, they are.

Is media changing young people's life negatively?

yes because its like smoking and gambling people can get easily addicted to it

Where does young mens love lie according to Friar Lawrence?

Friar Lawrence suggests that young men's love lies in their eyes because they are easily influenced by appearances and are quick to fall in love with outward beauty rather than inner qualities.

Who was influenced by Beethoven?

Well he was mostly influenced by Mozart, but Christian-Gottlob Neefe his music teacher when he was young influenced him and became his mentor.

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Adam Young has been inspired by many different people and things, but he claims his biggest inspiration is God.

Who influenced lil Wayne to start rapping?

Young Jezzy influenced Lil Wayne to start Rapping.