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Because they can still help us even if it is cut down. Wood helps us make many things such as tables, seats, and buildings; especially houses.

Another reason is because trees can increase fires. For example, in Australia when there is a wood-fire, they cut down trees so that the fire does not increase.

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13y ago
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12y ago

When trees photosynthesize, they use up carbon dioxide and give out oxygen for us to use. They also provide us their shade, shelter for other animals, they bear fruit and provide us with paper.

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15y ago

They give shade, serve as windbreaks, keep soil from eroding, and give off oxygen when the sun shines on them. Some kinds produce fruit and nuts which serve as food for humans , birds and animals. Maple sap yields maple syrup.

Some produce flowers which smell good and look pretty and feed bees and butterflies.

Many trees are pretty to look at all year round and/or turn brilliant colors in the fall.

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Q: Why do you cut down trees if they help us?
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yes! if you recycle, it doesn't cut down anymore trees, so because trees give us oxygen, that does in fact help with pollution. peace out, cupcakeluver.

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it helps us reuse paper instead of having to cut down more trees and when we cut down trees we lose our air cuz thats what trees make and when reusing the paper we are not adding more stuff to the pills of garbage

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no they should'nt cut down trees just to build houses that get eaten by termites, why not use bricks like us brits.

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because we need to be able to cut them down so the US can have paper.

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Trees should not be cut down. See, trees let off oxygen for us to breathe, so we need them to breathe. People cut down trees to build buildings and destroy forests to make space for building places. So it's a bad thing to cut down trees.

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probably.. but we shouldn't cut trees down anyway because they give us oxygen!

Why should you help stop deforestation?

People like us should help stop deforestation so our kids will have resources. If we let all trees be cut down, our children will be the ones to suffer.

Why should people cut down tree's?

To Make paper. But cutting down trees are illegal even though u have permission. Less trees, How about the flood ? how about us when there is flood ? It has a very big effect. If u cut down trees, you must replace it too. By planting trees. Hope this helps you :]] .