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They often do, but those marriages tend to fail for that reason. You could call it cultural incompatibility.

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Q: Why do rich people dont marry poor people?
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If they produce in poor countries and hire workers from that poor country then they dont have to pay them as much because to them a dollar is alot. If they did it in they're country they would have to pay employees more. It's also good advertising.

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rich people need NOTHING and poor people have Nothing

Why poor people in France resented the rich?

The poor were envious of the easy life the rich people had

Does China have more poor or rich people in it?

There are more poor people in China than rich people. There might be as many as 500,000 poor people for every "rich" person. China, with a population of MORE than one billion people {1,000,000,000}, has a very skewed wealth distribution. Most countries have more poor people than rich. The only way rich people are able to become rich is by suppressing the poor.

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