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An engine of any type requires the most power when it is accelerating its associated vehicle up to speed. This is the case of a plane accelerating from stopped to cruising speed.

In addition in this same period the engine is lifting the craft to the cruising altitude which requires several times the power of level flight.

The increased power requirements are met by burning more fuel. Burning more fuel produces more carbon dioxide

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Q: Why do planes produce most carbon dioxide during take off?
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Fact about carbon dioxide produced by planes?

Planes produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct of burning jet fuel, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. The aviation industry is working on improving fuel efficiency and exploring alternative fuels to reduce its carbon footprint.

What can you do about cardon dioxide produced by planes?

That should be carbon dioxide. What can be done is to produce engines that burn fuel more cleanly than exisiting ones and that are more environment friendly.

Does Carbon Dioxide come from planes?

obviously, if an EasyJet plane lifts of, it releases carbon dioxide from the engine, which gets released into the air, & that causes the earth to warm up, and then it will be the end of the world! NOTE: carbon dioxide is not produced by planes, so if it is the production of carbon dioxide, the answer is no, but it comes from fossil fuel, I think.

What can we do about carbon dioxide produced by planes?

you can use a different type of fuel

1 fact about carbon dioxide produced by planes?

By shagging your mom.

How do you prevent carbon dioxide from planes?

chinny waz ere 2k9

How much of the worlds emissions do planes produce?

Planes contribute to about 2-3% of global carbon dioxide emissions from human activities. This percentage is expected to increase as air travel continues to grow unless more sustainable aviation practices are implemented.

What are some transportation problems?

If you mean problems with transportation, then there are many. For instance, cars are effective ways to get places but produce a lot of carbon dioxide. Planes could easily malfunction and kill many people.

What are the emissions from jet planes?

Water vapor and carbon dioxide are the two main outputs from a jet engine.

Why do planes let off so much CO2?

Carbon dioxide is the product for burning reaction of kerosene.

Why there is increase in carbon dioxide gas?

More living things such as humans are being brought into existence, breathing out more carbon dioxide. Factories, cars and planes also contribute to rising carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere from the smoke they release. Plants such as trees are supposed to convert the carbon dioxide into oxygen, but we keep cutting them down. In short - because of the human race.

What are carbon dioxide emissions from planes?

It deepends on the specific aircraft. The appended link lets you compare each types emission