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Q: Why do people take so much coal?
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Is coal a infinite resource?

No, coal is not an infinite resource. It is a finite resource that takes millions of years to form and is being depleted at a much faster rate than it is being replenished. This makes coal a non-renewable energy source.

How important is coal to humans?

if we stop using coal right now people would go crazy because their would be no electricity and we got so use to it that people say they cant live without it so coal is super important to people

Did people used to eat coal?

no, i dont think so

Why does china produce so much coal?

Because they have so many factories, the most in the world

Is coal energy renewable nonrenewable or inexhaustible?

Coal is a nonrenewable resource because there is only so much coal in the ground, and when you dig it all out, there is no more. However, the quantity of coal that is available is very large. It is not running out soon.

Disadvantages of coal mining?

coal is a nonrenewable resource, so once we use it all we will never have it again. also people get killed in coal mines because they can collapse after a point of time.

How do you you use the word coal in a sentence?

The miners dug deep underground to extract coal from the mine.

Coal mining in decline?

Coal mining ended due to- heath and safety reasons, Sales went down a lot in 1980's coal has been replaced with gas and electricity so it is not needed as much!

Why are ores a non-renewable resource?

although they will eventual replenish in the earths crust, this process will take too long so they are dubbed to be non-renewable sersources, much like coal or oil.

Why do people like chiuauas so much?

People like chiuauas because they are small and fairly easy to take care of.

Why does the founders of the US decide to take a census?

So they can see how much people there is in United States

Why was Pennsylvania so big on steel in the 1800s?

Because there was so much coal and iron in the North and that is what you need to make steel