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People have slaves because along time ago, nobody had money. So the masters of the slaves treat them badly to get 'money' Ok. I'm in 2nd grade so, sorry if its wrong.

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Q: Why do people have slaves?
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Why did people dislike slaves

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why did people own slaves

Did slaves wear different clothes than non slaves?

Didn't have to. Black people were slaves, white people weren't.

Where did the Dutch buy slaves?

they did not buy slaves they just made people slaves

What were Slaves are counted as?

slaves were viewed as property not as people

Were there ever white slaves?

White people have been slaves, as have been black people, yellow people, and red people. Slaves have come in all types of colors, and both genders; male and female. People of all ages, young and old, have been slaves.

What do Egypt slaves do for fun?

Slaves do not have fun. They are slaves and are people owned by another person.

Are African people still slaves?

Yes, African people are still slaves, there are people that control people that are not that powerful, because they think that just because they have more power then the other people, they think that they can control them, so you always have to remember that African people are not then only people that are slaves, in other countrys there are slaves too. Alway REMEMBER, that there are MANY slaves around the WORLD. :) Thxx :)

Did the Inuit People have slaves?

this app is a scam don't do anything lol

What did ancient slaves do?

slaves are the one who serves people above them

What happened as the demand for slaves grew?

people had less slaves

What did ancient egypts slaves do for fun?

Slaves do not have fun. They are slaves and are people owned by another person.