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Answer 1

This is certainly not true at all! Many countries did not like the US foreign policies under the Bush administration, now President Obama is mending fences this man is honoured and respected by almost every nation on the planet, also, people all over the world saw what happened when Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans ans saw how those human beings were treated by their own government, the same government who wants to tell other countries how to run their country, this never sits well with people, although much more has to be done, the USA has gained back a lot of respect due to the present administration.

Answer 2

Quite simply, many people across different countries don't like their lives being dictated by an American foreign policy that empowers many dictators and oppressive regimes when American domestic policy is so bad. They ask who are you to be giving us these orders?

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12y ago
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16y ago

Well there are a lot of peoples opinions out so no one really knows

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15y ago

America tends to become involved in other nations' politics and affairs solely to promote itself and its ideals, rather than to actually help that country.

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Q: Why do people hate the USA?
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