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Because Justin Bieber is from there and many other people not liked.

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Q: Why do people hate on Canada?
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Why do people hate Canada so much?

They don't hate Canada, they're just disappointed.

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I know 89 people hate Bella Thorne.if you want them tO like you ,you should visit them and be nice and also bring zendaya with you to CANADA.

Do The US hate Canada?

This question is impossible to answer. You're asking us to answer whether an entire culture of 300 million+ people hate an entire other culture of 35+ million people. But in the most general sense the answer is a resounding NO! Canada is among our closest and most important international neighbors.

Does the US hate Canada?

There are just some people out there hate Canada, I can say most of them are from US, but the amount of people who hate Canada is very little. The reason for those people hate Canada might come from the idea of sport games, internet, etc. They might thought "Canada is a worst country ever because we lose/win them" or something like that. But as from experience of comment on the internet, around 80% of Canada haters are never been to Canada and only looking at internet for whole days. If this thing still makes you unhappy, just ignore what those people says, I know a lot of American who likes Canada very much, and some of them even said they want to move to Canada. Also because they are jealous of Canada cause of our beautiful nature when all they have is basically a desert and also USA is very violent Canada has religion especially christian-ism

Why do people hate Gary Bettman?

Because he is a little, tiny man who hates Canada and Canadians and had spent 18 years destroying Canada's game. And he is a motherless dog (fact).

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I hate u

Do people hate people?

Yes, unfortunately. People do hate people.

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a victim of hate is a person who suffers from people who hate on people for no reason

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Why hate Canada?

They have it all and yet give it all away.

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