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Those who are homosexual don't choose to be homosexual. They were born that way just as if someone were born with freckles or have blue eyes. It is something they can't change and shouldn't change.

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6y ago

Homosexuality is not a choice and is present in many species.

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Q: Why do people choose to be homosexuals?
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People falsely accuse the transsexual people of being homosexuals because of the little information that they have about them.

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Yes. Heterosexual people do it, so why can't homosexuals do it?

How does homophobia affect people lives?

A tiny fraction of adults are homophobic - irrationally afraid of homosexuals. Their homophobia has little effect on homosexuals or on themselves.

What are people called that are against homosexuals?

Homophobes, bigots, etc.

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People who are scared of homosexuals are often referred to as homophobic. It is important to address and challenge such fears by promoting understanding, empathy, and acceptance of diversity.

Are most homesexuals American?

nope, homosexuals are evenly disturbed across the global, one in 10 people are homosexual no matter where you live, American homosexuals are able to be more open than homosexuals outside the first world.

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Jewish people homosexuals mentally and physically challened people gypsies