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Only you know why you want to be gay. If you are attracted to people of the same sex then you may be gay. There's nothing wrong with that.

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Q: Why do i want to be gay Am i gay?
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Related questions

When was I Want to Be Gay created?

I Want to Be Gay was created in 2005.

Is kim jaejoong gay?

He's gay if he want to. He don't have to be gay if don't want to. Why care, it's him!....

Can you be gay and be a teacher?

You can be gay and be anything you want to be.

Can you be gay when you want?

Only if you were born gay, and you want to be gay all the time. Sexual orientation is not something that can be turned off or on.

Why doesnt arron off emmerdale want to be gay?

No straight person wants to be gay, and many gay people also do not want to be gay. But it's not a choice. A person is either gay or they aren't.

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Which guy singer wants to be gay?

There are no straight singers that want to be gay, and in general, most gay people also go through an internal battle where they don't want to be gay.

What is do the rag gay?

Its whatever you want rag gay to mean!

Can you date a gay if you are a gay?

You can do anything you want, provided that it is legal

If a gay person told your child it's ok to be gay what would you do?

i would tell my child if he/she want to be gay that's fine with me but if u don't want to be gay than u don't have to be gay if u don't want to

Are you gay if you want to want to pleasure a man?

Absolutely not. You are only gay if you are a man who is sexually attracted to men.

You want to be gay should you?

Being gay is not a choice. If you feel like you are gay then you just follow your heart. If you are not gay, nothing will make you gay.