20-23% of children are bullied
thousands of kids are bullied each year
Roughly about 100,000 children.
Not many... Probably 1 in 100... Muslims are great people, it's the jews that get bullied.
on average 30% of kids get bullied a day, maybe more
It is estimated that over 13 million children are cyber bullied. Half a million of children were victims of cyber bullying in Illinois. It is also estimated that 160,000 children missed school because they are afraid of cyber bullying.
it is impossible to say how many people that get bullied online. It is horrible to think that about 6.5 million children are scared to go outside in case they get bullied.
about 5 million
All people in the world are bullied at least once in their lifetime. It's hard to believe, I know, but even the bullies are bullied by bullies that are bullied and so on. That explains perhaps why they are so horrible to others.
they do it because they know that they might get bullied buy children but if you are getting bullied don't listen carry on your dream.
he got bullied a lot a school