Malcolm x helped others because he believed in his people and knew that we will someday be a team
The death of Malcolm X had brought a great amount of people to their knees in mourning, and the crowd in the funeral was wishing for a Malcolm X incarnate to carry on what he started.
Malcolm x showed courage by giving speaches and leadding the black people to a new life.
Malcolm X
Malcolm X's favorite hobby was preaching to his people about the oppression that the white race put upon them Malcolm x loved to preach about Allah and how he would save them from oppression of the white race
"The ballot or the bullet"
"The ballot or the bullet"
``His main legacy was for black people to love themselves. Malcolm X was a leading social critic who argued that you cannot have true democracy in a society as long as you have racial suppression,'' said Turner, national chairman of the Malcolm X Commemoration Commission.
Malcolm X
No, Malcolm X is not single.