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Some leaves are not green because they contain more of pigments other than chlorophyll, like xanthophylls or carotinoids which give them yellow,red,orange colours.

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Q: Why are some leaves not green?
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Leaves on rose are yellow?

Some are. They are usually green or a yellowish-green.

What is the color of the gumamela leaves?

The color of gumamela leaves can vary, but they commonly range from deep green to dark green. Some varieties may also have a reddish tinge on the leaves.

Does a magnolia have ever-green leaves?

No, it drops its leaves in winter. BTW no leaves are ever-green: they all fall off sometime. But some trees of bushes are evergreens. They remain green in winter.

Can you trim chrysanthemums in March?

If the weather is mild and the mums are showing some green leaves, you can trim the rest of the plant. Otherwise wait until you see some green leaves.

Why are some leaves a dark green while other leaves are a light green?

If I'm not mistaken (I'm not really sure of this) is due to the ″Chlorophyll″ levels in the leaves, the more Chlorophyll the leaves have, the darker it gets. Cheers

What are some physical changes for green plants?

braking some of the leaves off.

What are some things a leprechaun leaves at your house?

gold and some green stuff

Are there leaves that have no green on them?

sure. There are leaves which do not have any green in them. There are Orange and Red leaves

Do caterpillars eat bugs or just leaves?

Caterpillars will only eat green leaves because brown are hard and crunchy and green leaves are soft and chewy.

Why do some trees lose their leaves in autumn and some trees dont?

because soe are ever green because some are ever green

Do all flowering plants have green leaves?

yes they should have green leaves. Green leaves are green because they have chlorophyll which is needed for flowers.

When was Leaves That Are Green created?

Leaves That Are Green was created in 1965.