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Assuming you are referring to the United States: first, illegal immigrants do not contribute to the tax base because they do not file income tax returns and are often paid in cash. Second, they are a drain on the resources of federal and state governments, such as education systems and hospitals. Third, since they are undocumented and often migrant they can be very difficult to track if they commit another crime. There are more reasons but those are the first three that come to mind.

There is a counter argument to these points, and that is illegal Immigration is not bad, it is merely a state-created crime. There are certainly deficiencies in the United States immigration system which some see as justification for coming here illegally. This line of reasoning will not protect one from having to answer to the law if they are caught.

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12y ago
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14y ago

It's illegal.

We don't have a place for them. There is no free land left.

They don't want to improve our country, they want to bring their country's problems here.

They don't want our country to grow, they want to send what we have home to their family.

They demand that we respect their country and values while they refuse to do the same for the country they are invading.

They put a drain on resources that are meant for our people.

They refuse to be American. They want to be "whatever"-Americans. They do not join the blend of Americanism, they create cliques, gangs and divisions that DO NOT belong in America.

Obviously these are generalities, not every illegal invader does every one of these things, but if they do not respect America and American Law enough to obey it getting here, who wants them? They have shown that they consider themselves above the law already.

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13y ago

they are not "bad" people, they want to enter a country without going through the proper channels and filling out papers to immigrate, it is also called "coming through the back door" immigration takes resources and money, most of these people do not have either.

i agree, illegal immigrants are USUALLY not bad people. MOST of the Mexican ones just want to get AWAY from the drug cartels and the killing. the only problem with them is how they get into the country. they use any means necessary to get into America, so they can experience the freedoms that most Americans take for granted. but if you have noticed the BOLD words above, not all of them are good people running away from drug cartels. some of them are working for the cartels, or other Mexican drug kingpins, and they are sneaking drugs into the united states. some of them come to America with the intent of killing for the drug cartels. but this doesn't make all illegal immigrants bad. another thing, an illegal immigrant can be from anywhere. any country, any race. but these immigrants can cause a big problem economically. with more illegal immigrants coming into the country, and accepting jobs for dimes instead of dollars, legal people might find it harder and harder to get jobs in that industry. look at it this way, and be truthful with yourself. if you were running a business, lets say in farming. if you had to hire 10 men to help you, would you hire 10 legal citizens that expect $7.50 an hour, and wont work as hard, or would you hire 10 illegal immigrants that expect 10 cents an hour and will do anything to keep their job, and will never complain??? almost any truthful person would say the 10 illegal immigrants. i am not being biased, i hope, this is just what i have dug up on this topic. i really hope that i helped, feel free to message me if you think I'm wrong or did not understand.

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12y ago

Deportation is bad, because it's like You're being treated like a criminal whom your host country no longer want. If You are deported, it may be hard and in many cases impossible for You to get into to into that country again.

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14y ago

It isn't. There is a specialized system for legal immigration. Coming into a country without following that process is illegal.

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15y ago

It is bad because:

-They might end up on the streets.

-They might overpopulate U.S.

-They might do illegal things like make/grow drugs.

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15y ago

bc they are stealing our benefits that we work so hard for

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11y ago

Illegal immigration is bad when a country\'s economy is already strained and extra people are using additional resources that the country cannot afford.

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Borders are put in place to help stop the illegal immigrants from entering other countries.

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Ask the Mexican Family face to face. "Are you illegal immigrants?".

Are the people from Mexico are illegal immigrants to the United States?

Only if they don't have a green card, but Mexicans are not the only illegal immigrants