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They use a lot of GAS!

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Q: Why are hummers so bad for the environment?
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When did Hummers go on the market?

Hummers went on the market in 1991.

Why is coal so bad for the environment?

It puts out a lot of bad emissions that pollute.

Why does the border patrol use hummers?

border patrol use hummers because the government has a contract to buy them. They are not the same glitzy hummers you see on the roads-they are very basic and have no creature comforts.

How are elecric cars so popular?

They aren't bad for the environment.

Are hummers cool?


What do hummers eat?


How are hybrid cars made?

It is made out of plastic so you can produce it and help the environment. Plastic is bad for the environment.

What is so bad about pollution?

It is bad for your health. It can provoke asthma and increase the chance of a heart attack. Also it is bad for the environment.

What makes jets so bad about the environment?

what makes it so bad is that the steam from the jet is making all the animals and plants die.

How do you get hummers?

Open the door and climb in.

Do yellow hummers exist?

no way but my but does