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Because, they are renewable resources and they can replaced by people

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Q: Why are gases in Earth's atmosphere renewable resources?
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Related questions

Are gases that take up the earths atmosphere nonrenewable?

Yes. Only organic items are renewable. (Oil, crops, etc.) Basically, only carbon-based things are renewable.

What is the makeup of earths atmosphere?


Where do these main gases come from?

they come from earths atmosphere and gases

Is natural gases renewable resources?

no its fossil fuel

Which gases were parts of earths original atmosphere?


How do greenhouse gases affect the earths atmosphere?

They slow the loss of heat

What are the primary gases found in earths atmosphere?

Nitrogen and oxygen,

What part of the earths spheres is composed of a mixture of gases?

the entire atmosphere...

Pairs of gases that are the most abundant in earths atmosphere?

Nitrogen & oxygen.

What are the most common gases that are found in the earths atmosphere?

These gases are nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide.

Does renewable energy have any harmful gases?

" Renewable energy is energy which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable(naturally replenished)." - Wikipedia.So no, renewable energy has no harmful gases whatsoever.

When earths early atmosphere formed which gases where lost because earths gravity was too weak?

Hydrogen and helium