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Q: Why air pollution is more dangerous than water pollution?
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About how many small organisms die from water pollution?

More than 20,000 can die with water pollution

Is there more than one type of pollution?

Yes, there are several types of pollution, including air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. Each type of pollution can have different sources and causes environmental and health concerns.

How is water pollution dangerous?

Water pollution can be dangerous because it can contaminate drinking water sources, leading to health problems such as gastrointestinal issues, respiratory infections, and skin diseases. It can harm aquatic life by disrupting ecosystems and depleting oxygen levels in the water, leading to die-offs of fish and other organisms. Additionally, water pollution can have long-lasting effects on the environment and can be costly to clean up.

Why is the countryside cleaner than cities?

Less pollution in the water and air. The more people, the more trash.

Why is it better to prevent pollution than restore your water supply once it is polluted?

When you are preventing pollution, you are helping more than just yourself. You are helping plants, animals and humans. Restoring polluted water is basically dumping pollution back into pollution. It is better to prevent pollution now, because it can help YOU later on as well! :)

Are gas water heaters more dangerous than electric ones?

Gas water heaters CAN be more dangerous than electric ones if they are allowed to fall into disrepair. If you keep your water heater maintained, then they are just as safe as their electric counterparts.

Why can bath water be more dangerous than water in a pot?

There is more of it, which could possibly burn a larger portion of your body

Are pirhannas more dangerous than sharkes?

both can be as dangerous as they attack when they smell blood in the water. However as piranhas hunt in groups of up to 20 i believe piranhas are more dangerous.

Is well water more reliable than surface water?

Yes, much cleaner. Surface water is full of dangerous things

How can you write eassy on water pollution more than 20 pages?

By doing research and collation all the facts about it.

How is water pollution responsible for depletion of oxygen in water?

The pollutants react with the oxygen dissolved This means there's no oxygen available for the fish. That kills more fish than the actual toxicity of the pollution in many cases.

Why is a sweaty body more electrically dangerous than a dry body?

because sweat is water and water conducts electricity better than your skin would