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The main targets of the KKK, or Ku Klux Klan, were people that did not believe what they beleived, which was white supremacy. For example, this didn't really happen, it is just an example, the KKK just killed 5 blacks, an Asian, and 2 white senators. They killed the blacks and asians because they were different, and the senators were trying to get two bills passed; one bill making black people equal, and the other because he was trying to get local enforcement to get rid of the local KKK.

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13y ago
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13y ago

The Ku Klux Klan laid target on the following...

- Southern Republicans

- Freedmen (former slaves)/ African Americans

- Anyone whe supported freedmen

- Anyone who opposed the Ku Klux Klan organization


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13y ago

The KKK was made primarily of white males who didn't like the idea of sharing "their America" with those who had once served their forefathers. In retaliation to laws supporting African-American rights, the KKK targeted just about any black person they saw fit. There was even an attack on a primarily black church during Sunday school, killing many children.

These were very nasty super-violent hate crimes against a race of people who have just as much a right to the air as anyone else.

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10y ago

The KKK was an awful clan of people. Their main target was African Americans and those who believed African Americans deserved equal rights.

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Blacks, followed by Republicans, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, and opponents of National Prohibition.

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African Americans

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Jews, Catholics, Immigrants and African Americans were among the groups the KKK targeted.

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The KKK is a secret organization. However, there were KKK groups in Pennsylvania is the 1920, largely because of its staunch support of National Prohibition.

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