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The democratic party fought against the KKK. There were other parties such as the black panthers, that made a stand against the KKK.

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The Republican party was formed first and foremost to abolish slavery. The Democrats (including the their terrorist, mask wearing wing called the KKK) fought against them profusely. So it has always been the people of the Republican party who fought against the KKK. Any encyclopedia will verify this.

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What was the method of the KKK?

Some of the methods of the KKK were violence and threats against black people and white republicans.

Do KKK members hate Black people?

In general the KKK hate black Mexicans, some KKK members are okay with white Mexicans. So overall the KKK do hate Mexicans.

What were the Enforcement KKK Acts?

There was three bills that were passed against the KKK. The three bills were fight against the KKK, help blacks and kill them.

What are the Nazi and the Ku Klux Klan's similarities?

everything. I believe they got all their basic beliefs from the natzis. All their hate is coming from the reasons the natzis hated.

In the KKK time was it black or white people who were against black's and white's?

It was both but mostly white and some black people were against it because the white people would kill a black man or mabye woman if they were caught with a white man/woman

Does the KKK hold protests against Obama?

Well seeing as how the KKK hates black people, and Obama is 50% black person, that means they 50% protest him. I hate black people too. You should try it.

Who were the KKK against?

The KKK discriminated against Black people, Jews, Catholics, Republicans, carpetbaggers, scallawags, and many more groups/cultures/races. The Klan of the 1920s strongly supported Prohibition and attacked moonshiners and bootleggers.

What groups does the KKK oppose?

KKK, Ku Klux Klan opposed African-Americans, Jews, Catholics, and Immigrants.They oppose the NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Basically, they don't like anything that's colored.

How did the KKK influence a large group of people?

Sadly, the KKK did and still does have influence in society. The KKK encouraged and influenced people to hate other racial groups and try to brainwash people into believing in a superior race.

What does the KKK have to do with the Harlem renaissance?

I have no idea. If that helped then smash your computer!

Who does the KKK discriminate against?

The Ku Klux Klan is a white supremacist group which discriminates against anyone who is not white. This includes African-Americans, Latinos, etc. They also discriminate against Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, immigrants, and other groups of people.

What did Jonathan clarkson gibbs as floridas secretary of state?

He fought the influence of the Ku Klux Klan.