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Q: Who used religion as an argument against slave labor?
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Who was an individuals who used religion as an argument against slave labor?

One individual who used religion as an argument against slave labor was Frederick Douglass, an African American abolitionist and former slave. He argued that the principles of Christianity condemned the institution of slavery and that it was morally wrong to enslave other human beings. Douglass believed that true Christian values promoted equality and justice for all individuals.

Which individual used religion as an argument against slave labor?

An abolitionist named William Wilberforce used his Christian beliefs to argue against slave labor. He believed that all individuals were created in the image of God and therefore should not be enslaved. Wilberforce's religious convictions played a significant role in his crusade against the slave trade in the British Empire.

What argument used to justify slavery also served to question the fairness of notherners?

The argument used to justify slavery was that it was necessary for the economy and plantation owners relied on slave labor. This argument also served to question the fairness of northerners who benefitted from the goods produced by slave labor in the South, leading to debates about complicity in the institution of slavery.

What is the definition of slave labor?

Being forced to work against your will, and not being paid for it.

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what is the difference between slave labor and free labor

What was the reliance on slave labor after 1680?

slave labor was more important

What was a result of raising sugar as a cash crop in the new world?

Slave Labor was needed

When was Slave Labor Graphics created?

Slave Labor Graphics was created in 1986.

Is apple still using slave labor?

Apple never used slave labor

How did slave labor change in Virginia in 1619?

slave labor has change Virginia by having struggles

Did the Maryland colony use slave labor?

No, Maryland didn't have slave labor. There was discrimination, but no slavery.

What was required to make plantations cash crops a source of wealth?

Slave Labor ~