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The main contributor of deforestation is Latin America with direct conversion to large scale agriculture. The second larges contributor is Asia with Africa being the last.

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13y ago

Blame Brazilian farmers. They cut down trees and burn the wood. Then they use the ashes for crops. It's not always who but what. Sometimes it's forest-fires.

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Who or what is mainly to blame for deforestation?

kdhncsgv is you

Who is to blame for deforestation?

The blame can't be placed on just one group of people in regards to deforestation. It varies depending on locations. Farmers may be to blame in some locations and the construction of buildings and homes is also to blame.

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What is the Deforestation statistics for Venezuela?

it is deforestation

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blame it on the goose

Is there deforestation in Samoa?

Yes, there is deforestation in Samoa.

Q: What is the consequence of deforestation What do you think are some of its causes?

Ans: Murree is in the foothills of the Himalayas that is now being threatened by deforestation Landslides are the consequence of deforestation. There are many causes of deforestation to obtain fire & construction wood deforestation is done. Deforestation is done for cultivation & housing.

Is the deforestation in Africa bad?

deforestation is bad go to google and hit images and type deforestation in Africa

Where is deforestation found?

in the forest, hence the name deforestation

Who was against deforestation?

Sundarlal Bahuguna was against deforestation.