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A child is the responsibility of the parents and they are directly responsible for child abuse; it has nothing to do with the government.

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they should Be blame because (1)LACK OF WORK (2)-LACK OF EDUCATION (3)LACK OF SECURITY (4)LACK OF FOOD

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The parents or guardian.

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Q: Who should be blamed for child abuse?
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What if a custodial parent kick their childrens?

The non-custodial parent should report the child abuse to the child services agency for an evaluation.The non-custodial parent should report the child abuse to the child services agency for an evaluation.The non-custodial parent should report the child abuse to the child services agency for an evaluation.The non-custodial parent should report the child abuse to the child services agency for an evaluation.

How should abuse your child?

with love and care

What can people do to stop child abuse?

If child abuse is suspected, you should report it to help the child! You can call your local Child Protective Services(CPS). The call is confidential.

How should you respond if a child discloses abuse or ill-treatment?

If a child discloses abuse or ill treatment, you should respond by contacting the proper local authorities in order to start an investigation. You can also contact the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453.

Where can one find a child abuse lawyer?

If there is suspected child abuse then the first thing that should be done is the police should be involved. Once the local police department is called they will place the case in the care of Child Protective Services and a lawyer will be provided for the child.

What should be done if child abuse occurs?

If you suspect child abuse, always do the following: 1. Call the police. 2. Call Child Protective Services. 3. Keep documentation.

Should Africans be blamed for slavery?

No, they should not be blamed for it!

If a child is 18 or older should the parents be blamed?

If the child is 18 and is being abused - yes. In any case domestic violence will be punished whether or not the child is a minor.

Is kicking your children child abuse?

yes because if you cause an harm to your child its counted as child abuse

What books can prevent child abuse?

Some of the books that are helpful in preventing child abuse are "Understanding Child Abuse & Neglect", "Child Abuse: Implications for Child Development and Psychopathology (Development Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry)", and "Child Abuse and Culture: Working with Diverse Families".

Can a homeless mother be charged with child abuse in CA?

No not with child abuse, but child endangerment. She will be charged with abuse if she abuses her child! (i am a law enforcement officer)

Is it child abuse to leave a seventeen year old home alone monthly?

It depends on the amount of time they are left alone. If the child has all necesities then I would say, no, it is not abuse. A 17-year-old is no longer a child so it is not child abuse. They should be getting a job or going to higher education.